Anime/Manga Recommendation Room
This is not as self-explanatory as it looks. In order to avoid generic comments down below, I'll address a few rules on how you'll process to recommend your Anime/Manga.
Rule number 1: As obvious as it may sound, you'll have to include the Anime/Manga's name, but in addition to that, you'll have to also include an image, because the saying "Don't judge a book by its cover" is wrong as it's pretty obvious that the cover matters.
Rule number 2: Attribute a summary to it. No, you don't have to go to MAL and copy-paste it (but you are free to do that, of course), I'm just saying that the option to attribute your own sophisticated summary of the Anime/Manga is very much open.
Rule number 3: Make sure to add reasoning for your choice. It cannot be random. A recommendation is something that has to be done out of passion but more so, out of logic too. Therefore, firmly explain why everyone that comes across your recommendation should watch/read your recommendation.
Rule number 4: Do not spoil any of your recommendation's content. Not even using the spoiler tag here will save you because you are automatically ruining someone's experience by spoiling something that the person who is about to take your recommendation to the heart hasn't watched/read yet.
Rule number 5: Include the Anime/Manga's tags/categories. This is helpful for the user to gain proper insight.
That will be all! Have fun!
And enjoy!
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